

  • A data set can often be viewed as a collection of data objects

  • Other names for a data object include recorde, point, vector, pattern, event, case, sample, observation or entity.

  • Data objects are described by a number of attributes that capture the basic charateristics of an object.

  • Other names for an attribute are variable, characteristic, field, featrue, or dimension.

  • A data set is usually a file, in which

    • The objects are records in the file and
    • Each field corresponds to an attribute.


  • An attribute is a property or characteristic of an object to another or from one time to another

  • A mesasurement scale is a rule that associates a numerical or symbolic value with an attribute of an object.

  • The process of mesurement is the application of a measurement scale to associate a value with a particular attribute of a specific object.

Different types of attributes

There define four types of attributes

  • Nominal
  • Ordinal
  • Interval
  • Ratio
  • Nominal and orinal attributes are collectively referred to as categorical or quanlitative attributes.

  • Interval and ratio attributes are collectively referred to as quantitative or numeric attributes.


  • values of a nominal attribute are just different names.
  • They provide only enough informatin ot distinguish one object from another.
  • Example: eye color, gender.


  • The values of an ordinal attribute provide enough information to odrder objects.
  • Example: grade


  • For interval attributes, the differences between values are meaningful.
  • Example: calendar dates.


  • For ratio variables, both differences and ratios are meaningful

  • Example: monetaru quantities, mass, length

  • Another way to distinguish between attributes is by the number of values they can take.

  • Based on this criterion, attributes can be calssified as either discrete or continuous


  • A discrete attribute has a finte or countably infinite set of values.

  • Such attributes can be categorical, such as gender, or numeric, such as counts.

  • Binary attributes are a special case of discrete attributes and assume only two values, e.g. true/false, yes/no, male/female, or 0/1


  • A continuous attribute is one whose values are real numbers

  • Examples include temperature, height or weight.

  • Continuous attributes are typically represented as floating point variables.

Types of data sets

Following different types of data sets

  • Record data
  • Transacion or market basket data
  • Data matrix
  • Sparse data matrix


Record data

  • A data set is usually represented as a coleection of records

  • Each record consists of a fixed set of data fields

  • Record data is usually stored eirher in flat files or in relational database.

Transaction or market basket data

  • Transaction data is a special type of record data.
  • Each transaction involves a set of items
  • Example: the set of products purchased by a customer during one shopping trip constitues a transaction.

Data matrix

  • If the data objects all have the same fixed set of numeric attributes, then they can be thought of as points in a multi-dimensional space.

  • This kind of data set can be interpreted as an m by n matrix where

    • There are m rows, one for each object.
    • There are n cols, one for each attribute.
  • Standard matrix operations can be applied to transform and mainipulate the data.

Sparse data matrix

  • A sparse data matrix is a special case of a data matrix in which there are a large number of zeros in the matrix, and only the non-zero attribute values are important

  • Sparsity is an advantage because usually only the non-zero values need to be stored and manipulated.

  • This results in significant savings with respect to computation time and storage.

  • An examlple is cocument data.

  • A document can be represented as a term vector, where

    • Each term is a component of the vector and
    • The value of each component is the number of times the corresponding term occurs in the document.
  • This representation of a coleection of documents is often called a document-term matrix.

Data quality

  • Precision

    • The closeness of repeated measurements to ne another
    • This is often measured by the standard deviation of a set of values.
  • Bias

    • Asystematic variation of measurements from the quantity being measured.
    • This is measured by takingthe differents between
      • the mean of the set of values and
      • the known value of the quantity being measured.
  • Suppose we have a standard laboratory weight with a mass of 1g.

  • We want to assess the precision and bias of our new laboratory scale.

  • We weight the mass five times, and obtain the values: {1.015, 0.990,1.013,1.001,0.986}

  • The mean of these values is 1.001

  • The bias is thus 0.001

  • The precision, as measured by the standard devation, is 0.013

  • Noise

    • Noise is the random component of a measurement error.
  • Outliers

    • Data objects that, in some sense, have characteristics that are different from most of the other data objects in the data set.
    • Values of an attribute that are unusual with respect to the typical values of that attribute

Data quality: Missing values

  • It is not unusual for an object to be missing one or more attribute values.

  • There are several strategies for dealing with missing data

    • Eliminate data object
    • Estimate missing values
  • Eliminate data object

    • If a data set has only a few objects taht have missing attribute values, then it may be convenient to omit them.
    • However, even a partially specified data object contains some information.
    • If many objects have missing values, then a reliable analysis can be difficult ot impossible
  • Estimate missing values

    • A missing attribute value of a point can be estimated by the corresponding attribute values of the other points.

    • If the attribute is discrete, then the most commonly occuring attribute value can be used.

    • If the attribute is continuous, then the average attribute value of similar points is used.

Data preprocessing

  • There are a number of techniques for performing data preprocssing
    • Aggregation
    • Sampling
    • Dimensionality reduction
    • Discretization
    • Normalization


  • Aggreation is the combining of two or more objects into a single object.
  • There are several motivations for aggregation
    • The smaller data sets resulting from agrreation require less memory and processing time.
    • Aggregation can also provide a high-level view of the data
    • Aggregate quantites, such as averages or totals, have less variability than the individual objects.
  • A disadvantage of aggregation is the potential loss of interesting details.


  • Sampling is the selction of a subset of the data objects to be analyzed.

  • Sometimes, it is too expensive or time consuming to process all the data.

  • Using a sampling algorithm can reduce the data size to a point where a better, but more computationally expensive algorithm can be used.

  • A sample is representative if it has approximately the same property as the original set of data.

  • The simplest type of sampling is uniform random sampling.

  • For this type of sampling, there is an equal probability of seecting any particular item.

  • There are two variations on random sampling

    • Sampling without replacement
    • Sampling with replacement
  • Sampling without relacement

    • As each item is selected, it is removed from the set of all objects.
  • Samepling with replacement

    • Objects are not removed from the data set as they are selcted.
    • The same object can be picked more than once.
  • Once a sampling technique has been selected, it is still necessary to choose the sample size.

  • For larger sample sizes

    • The probaility that a sample will be representative will be increased.
    • However, much of the advantage of sampling will also be eliminated.
  • For smaller sample sizes

    • There may be a loss of important information

Dimensionality reduction

  • The dimensionality of a data set is the number of attributes that each object possesses.
  • It is usually more difficult to analyze high-dimensional data
  • An important preprocessing step is dimensionality reduction.
  • Dimensionality reduction has a number of advantages:
    • It can eliminate irrelevant featrues and reduce noise.
    • It can lead to a more understandable model which involves fewer attributes.
    • It may allow the data to be more easily visualized.
    • The amount of time and memory required for proessing the data is reduced.
  • The curse of dimensionality refers to the phenomenon that many types of data analysis become significantly harder as the number of dimensions increases.
  • As the number of dimensions increases, the data becomes increasingly sparse in the space that it occupies.
  • There may not be enoygh data objects to allow the reliable creation of a model that describes the set of objects.
  • There are a number of techniques for dimensionality reduction
    • Feature transformation
    • Feature subset selection
  • Feature transformation
    • Feature transformation can be used to project data from a high-dimensional space to a low-dimensonal space.
    • Principal Component Analysis(PCA) is a feature transformation technique to find new attriubtes that are
      • linear combinations of the original attributes.
      • capture the maximum amount of variation in the data.

Feature subset selection

  • Another way to reduce the number of dimentsions is to use only a subset of the features.

  • This approach is effective if redundant and irrelevant fetures are present.

  • Redundant features duplicate much or all of the information contained in one or more other attributes.

  • Irrelevant features contain almost no useful information for the task at hand.

  • The ideal approach to feature selection is to

    • Try all possible subsets of freatures
    • Take the subset that produces the best result
  • Since the number of subsets involving n attributes is 2^n, such an approach is impractical in most situations

  • There are three standard approaches to feature selection

    • Embedded approaches
    • Filter approaches
    • Wrapper approaches

Embedded approaches

  • Feature selection occurs naturally as part of the algorithm
  • The algorithm itself decides which attributes to use and which to ignore

Filter approaches

  • Features are selected before the algorithm is run
  • An evaluation measure is used to determine the goodness of a subset of attributes
  • This measure is independent of the current algorithm used

Wrapper approaches

  • These methods use the target algorithm as a black box to find the best subset of attributes.
  • Typically, not all the possible subsets are considered


  • In some cases, we prefer to use data with discrete attributes

  • It is thus necessary to transform a continous attribute into a discrete attribute

  • Transformation of a continuous attribute to a discrete attribute involves two subtasks

    • Deciding how many possible discrete values to have
    • Determining how to map the values of the continuous atrribute to these discrete values
  • In the first step

    • The values of the coninuous attribute are first sorted
    • They are then divided into S intervals by specifying S-1 split points
  • In the second step

    • All the values in one interval are mapped to the same discrete value


  • The goal of normalization or standardization is to make an entire set of values have a particular property
  • Normalization is necssary to avoid the case where a variable with large values dominates the result of the calculation

Similarity and dissimilarity

  • The similarity between two objects is a numerical measure of the degree to which the two objects are alike

  • Similarities are higher for pairs of objects that are more alike

  • The dissimilarity between two objects is a numerical measure of the degree to which the two objects are different

  • Dissimilarityes are lower for more similar pairs of objects

  • Freuently, the term distance is used as a synonym for dissimilarity

  • The term proximity is used to refer to either similarity or dissimilarity

Dissimilarity between attribute values

  • We consider the definition of dissimilarity measures for the following attribute types
    • Nominal
    • Ordinal
    • Intervale/Ratio


  • Nominal attributes only convey information about the distinctness of objects
  • All we can say is that two objects either have the same attribute value or not
  • As a result, dissimilarity is defined as
    • 0 if the attribute avlues match
    • 1 otherwise


  • For ordinal attributes, information about order should be taken into account
  • The values of the ordinal attribute are often mapped to successive integers
  • The dissimilarity can be defined by taking the absolute difference between these integers


  • For interval or ratio attributes, the natural measure of dissimilarity between two objects is the absolute differece of their values


  • The Euclidean distance d between two points x and y is given by

  • n is the number of dimensions

  • Xu and Yu are, respectively, the u-th attributes of x and y

  • The Euclidean distance measure is generalized by the Minkowski distance metric as follows:

  • Three most common examples of Minkowski distances are

    • h=1: City block distance(L1 norm)
    • h=2: Euclidean distance(L2 norm)
    • h=00: Supremum distance(Lmax norm), which is the maximum difference between any attribute of the objects
  • A distance measure has some well-known properites

    • Positivity
      • d(x,y)>=0 for all x and y
      • d(x,y)=0 if and only if x =y
    • Symmetry
      • d(x,y)=d(y,x) for all x and y
    • Triangle inequality
      • d(x,z)<=d(x,y)+d(y,z) for all points x,y,z
  • all attributes were treated eually when computing the distance

  • This is not desirable when some attributes are more important than others

  • To address these situations, the distance measure can be modified by weighting the contribution of each attribute:

Summary statistics

  • Summary statisticss are quantities that capture various characterics of a large set of values using a small set of numbers
  • We consider the following summary statistics
    • Relative frequency and the mode
    • Measure of location: mean and meadian
    • Measure of spread: range and variance

Realtive frequency and the mode

  • Suppose we are given a discrete attribute x, which can take values{a1,..,as,...,as}, and a set of m objects
  • The relative frequency of a value as is defined as

  • The mode of a discrete attribute is the value that has the highest relative frequency


  • We consider a set of m objects and an attribute x

  • Let {x1,...,xm} be the attribute values of x for these m objects

  • The mean is defined as follows:


  • Let{x1,...,xm} represent the values of x after they have been sorted in non-decreasing order
  • Thus, x1= xmin and xm = xmax
  • The meadian is defined as follows:

Mean and Median

  • The mean is sensitive to hte presence of outliers
  • The median provides a more robust numerical summary of a set of values
  • To overcome problems with the mean, the notion of a trimmed mean is sometimes used.
    • A percentage p between 0 and 100 is specified
    • The top and bottom (p/2)% of the data is thrown out
    • The mean is then calculated in the normal way


  • The simplest measure of spread is the range
  • Given an attribute x with a set of m values{x1,...,xm}, the range is defined as

  • However, using the range to measure the spread can be misleading if
    • most of the values are concentrated in a narrow band of values
    • there are also a relatively small number of more extreme values


  • The variance of the values of an attribute x is defined as follows:

  • The standard deviation, which is the square root of the variance, is denoted as

Multivariate summary statistics

  • The mean or median of a data set that consists of several attributes can be obtained by computin the mean or median separately for each attribute

  • Given a data set, the mean of the data objects is given by :

  • For multivariate data, the spread of the data is most commonly captured by the covariance matrix C.

  • The uv-th entry Cuv is the covariance of the u-th and v-th attributes of the data.

  • This covariance is given by

  • The covariance of two attributes is a measure of the degree to which two attributes vary together

  • this measure depends on the magnitudes of the variables

  • In view of this, we perform the following operation on the covariance to obtain the correlation coeffient ruv.

  • are the standard deviations of xu and xv respectively

  • The range of ruv is form -1 to 1

Data visualization

  • The motivation of using data visualization is that people can quickly absorb large amounts of visual information and find patterns in it.
  • We consider the following data visualizaiton techniques
    • Histogram
    • Scatter plot


  • A histogram is a plot that displays the distribution of attribute values by
    • dividing the possible values into bins and
    • showing the number of objects that fall into each bin
  • Each bin is represented by one bar
  • The area of each bar is proportional to the number of values that fall into the corresponding range

Scatter plot

  • A scatter plot can graphically show the realtionship between two attributes.
  • In particular, it can be used to judge the degree of linear correlation of the attributes.