
Decision Tree


Basic Concept

  • Classification is the task of assigning objects to one of several predefined categories

  • It is an important problem in many applications

    • Detecting spam email messages based on the message header and content
    • Categorizing cells as malignant or benign based on the results of MRI scans
    • Classifying galaxies based on their shapes
  • The input data for a classification task is a collection fo records

  • Each record, also known as an instance or example, is characterized by a tuple(x,y)

    • x is the attribute set
    • y is the class label, also known as category or target attribute.
  • The class label is a discrete attribute.

  • Classification is the task of learning a target function f that maps each attribute set x to one of the predefined class labels y.

  • The target function is also known as a classification model.

  • A classification model is useful for the following purposes

    • Descriptive modeling
    • Predictive modeling
  • A classification technique is a systematic approach to perform classification on an input data set

  • Example include

    • Decision tree classifiers
    • Neural networks
    • Support vector machines

General Framework for Classification

  • A classifcation technique employs a learning algorithm to identify a model that best fits the relationship between the attribute set and the class label of the input data.

  • The model generated by a learning algorithm should

    • Fit the input data well and
    • Correctly predict the class labels of records it has never seen before
  • A key objective of the learning algorithm is to build models with good generalization capability.

  • First, a training set consisting of records whose class labels are known must be provided.

  • The training set is used to build a classification model.

  • This model is subsequently applied to the test set, which consists of records which are different from those in the training set.

Confusion matrix

  • Evaluation of the performance of the model is based on the counts of correctly and incorrectly predicted test records.

  • These counts are tabulated in a table known as a confusion matrix

  • Each entry aij in this table denotes the number of records from class i predicted to be of class j.

  • The total number of correct predictions made by the model is f11 + f00

  • The total number of incorrect predictions is f10+f01

  • The information in a confusion matrix can be summarized with the following two measures

    • Accuracy

      in binary that is
    • Error rate
  • Most classification algorithms aim at attaining the highest accuracy, or equivalently, the lowest error rate when applied to the test set.

Decision tree construction


  • We can solve a classification problem by asking a series of carefully crafted quesions about the attributes of the test record.

  • Each time we receive an answer, a follow-up question is asked.

  • This process is continued until we reach a conclusion about the class label of the record.

  • The series of questions and answers can be organized in the form of a decision tree.

  • It is a hierarchical structure consisting of nodes and directed edges.

  • The tree has three types of nodes

    • A root node that has no incoming edges.
    • Internal nodes, each of which has exactly one incoming edge and a number of outgoing edges.
    • Leaf or terminal nodes, each of which has exactly one incoming edge and no outgoing edges.
  • In a decision tree, each leaf node is assigned a class label.

  • The non-terminal nodes, which include the root and other internal nodes, contain attribute test conditions to separate records that have different charaacteristics.

  • Classifying a test record is straightforward once a decision tree has been constructed.

  • Starting from the root node, we apply the test condition

  • We then follow the appropriate branch based on the outcome of the test

  • This will lead us either to

    • Another internal node, at which a new test condition is applied, or
    • A leaf node
  • The class label associated with the leaf node is then assigned to the record.

  • Effient algorithms have been developed tot induce a reasonably accurate, although suboptimal, decision tree in a reasonable amount of time.

  • These algorithms usually employ a greedy strategy that makes a series of locally optimal decisions about which attribut to use for partitioning the data.

Hunt’s Algorithm

  • A decision tree is grown in a recursive fashion by paritioning the training records into successively purer subsets

  • We suppose

    • Us is the set of training records that are associated with node s.
    • C={c1,c2,..,ck} is the set of class labels.
  • If all the records in Us belong to the same class ck, then s is a leaf node labeled as ck.

  • If Us contains records that belong to more than one class,

    • An attribute test condition is selected to parition the records into smaller subsets.
    • An child node is created for each outcome of the test condition.
    • The records in Us are distributed to the children based on the outcome.
  • The alogirithm is then recutsively appled to each child node.

  • For each node, let p(ck) denotes the fraction of training records from class ck

  • In most cases, the leaf node is assigned to the class that has the majority number of training records.

  • The fraction p(ck) for a node can also be used to estimate the probability that a record assigned to that node belongs to class k.

  • Decision trees that are too large are susceptible to a phenomenon known as overfitting.

  • A tree pruning step can be performed to reduce the size of the decision tree.

  • Pruning helps by trimming the tree branches in a way that improves the generalization error.

Attribute Test

  • Each recursive step of the treee-growing process must select an attribute test condition to divide the records into smaller subsets.

  • To implement this step, the algorithm must provide

    • A method for specifying the test condition for different attribute types and
    • An objective measure for evaluating the goodness of each test condition.

Binary attribute

  • The test condition for a binary attribute generates two possible outcomes

Nominal attributes

  • A norminal attribute can produce binary or multi-way splits.
  • Thereare 2^(s-1)-1 ways of creating a binary partition of S attribute values.
  • For a multi-way split, the number of outcomes depends on the number of distinct values for the corresponding attribute.

Ordinal attributes

  • Ordinal attributes can also produce binary or multi-way splits.
  • Ordinal attributes can be grouped as long as the grouping does not violate the order property of the attribute values.

Continuous attributes

  • The test condition can be expressed as a comparison test x<=T pr x > T
  • For the binary case
    • The decision tree algorithm must consider all possible split positions T, and
    • Select the one that produces that best partition
  • For the multi-way split
    • The algorithm must consider multiple split positions.

conduction example

  • We consider the problem of using a decision tree to predict the number of participants in a marathon race requiring medical attention.

  • This number depends on attributes such as

    • Temperature forecase (TEMP)
    • Humidity forecast (HUMID)
    • Air pollution forecast (AIR)

  • In a decision tree, each internal node represents a particular attribute, e.g. TEMP or AIR

  • Each possible value of that attribute coresponds to a branch of the tree.

  • Leaf nodes represent classifications, such as Large or Small number of participants requiring medical attention.

  • Suppose AIR is selected as the first attribute.

  • This partitions the examples as follows.

  • Since the entries of the set {2,5,7,8,10} all coreespond to the case of a large number of participants requiring medical attention, a leaf node is formed.

  • On the other hand, for the set {1,3,4,6,9}

    • TEMP is selected as the next attribute to be tested.
    • This further divides this partition into {4}, {3,6} and {1, 9}

Information theory


  • Each attribute reduces a certain amount of uncertainty in the classification process.

  • We calcualte the amount of uncertainty reduced by the selection of each attribute.

  • We then select the attribute that provides the greatest uncertanty reduction.

  • Information theory provides a mathematical formulation for measuring how much information a message contains.

  • We consider the case where a message is selected among a set of possible messages and transmitted.

  • The information content of a message depends on

    • The size of this message set, and
    • The frequency with which each possible message occurs.
  • The amount of information in a message with occurrence probability p is defined as -log2p.

  • Suppose we are given

    • a set of messages, C={c1,c2,...,ck}
    • the occurrence porbality p(ck) of each ck.
  • We define the entropy I as the expected in formation content of a message in C:

  • The entropy is measured in bits.

Attribute selection

  • We can calcualte the entropy of a set of training examples from the occurrence probabilities of the different classes.

  • In our example

    • p(Small) = 2/10
    • p(Large) = 8/10
  • The set of training instances is denoted as U

  • We can calculate the entropy as follows:

  • The information gain provided by an attribute is the difference between

    1. The degree of uncertainty before including the attribute
    2. The degree of uncertainty after including the attribute.
  • Item 2 above is defined as the weighted average of the entropy values of the child nodes of the attribute.

  • If we select attribute P, with S values, this will partition U into the subsets {U1,U2,…,Us}.

  • The average degree of uncertainty after selectin P is

  • The information gain associated with attribute with attribute P is computed as follows.

  • If the attibute AIR is chosen, the examples are partitioned as follows:

    • U1={1,3,4,6,9}
    • U2={2,5,7,8,10}
  • The resulting entropy value is

  • The information gain can be computed as follows:

  • For the atttribute TEMP which partitions the examples into U1 = {4,5},U2={3,6,7,8} and U3={1,2,9,10}:

  • For the attribute HUMID which partitions the examples into U1={4,5,6,7,9,10} and U2={1,2,3,8}

  • The attribute AIR correcsponds to the highest information again.

  • As a result, this attribute will be selected.

Continuous attributes

  • If attribute P is continuous with value x, we can apply a binary test.

  • The outcome of the test depends on a threshold value T.

  • There are two possible outcomes:

    • x <=T
    • x > T
  • The traning set is then partitioned into 2 subsets U1 and U2.

  • We apply sorting to values of attribute P to abtain the sequence {x1,x2,...,xm}

  • Any threshold between xr and x(r+1) will divide the set into two subsets

    • {x1,x2,...,xr}
    • {x(r+1),x(r+2),...,xm}
  • There are at most m-1 possible splits.

  • For r = 1,…,m-1 such that x(r) != x(r+1), the corresponding threshold is chosen as Tr=(x(r)+x(r+1))/2

  • We can then calculate the information gain for each Tr

    • where I(P,Tr) is a function of Tr
  • The threshold Tr which maximizes gain(P,Tr) is then chosen.

Impurity measures

  • The measures developed for selecting the best split are often based on the degree of impurity of the child nodes.

  • Besides entropy, other examples of imputrity measures include

    • Gini index
    • Classification error rate
  • In the following figure, we compare the values of the imputrity measures ofr binary classification problems.

  • p refers to the fraction of records that belong to one of the two classes

  • All three measures attain their maximum value when p = 0.5

  • Then minimum values of the measures are attained when p equals 0 or 1

Gain ratio

  • Impurity measures such as entropy and Gini indesx tend to favor attributes that have a large number of possible values.

  • In many cases, a test condition that results in a large number of outcomes may not be desirable

  • This is because the number of records associated with each partition is too small to enable us to make any reliable predictions.

  • To solve this problem, we can modify the splitting criterion to take into account the number of possible attribute values.

  • In the case of informatoin agin, we can use the gain ratio which is defined as follows


Oblique decision tree

  • The test condition described so far involve using only a single attribute at a time

  • The tree-growing procedure can be viewed as the process of partitioning the attribute sapce into disjoint regions.

  • The border between two neighboring regins of different classes is known as a decisionboundary.

  • Since the test condition involves only a single attribute, the decision boundaries are parallel to the coordinate axes.

  • This limits the expressiveness of the decision tree representation for modeling complex relationships among continuous attributes.

  • An oblique decision tree allows test conditions that involve more than one attribute

  • The following figure illustrates a data set that connot be classified effectively by a conventional decision tree

  • This data set can be easily represented by a single node of an oblique decision tree with the test condition x+y<1

  • However, finding the optimal test condition for a given node can be computationally expensive.