

The Deadlock Problem

  • Deadlock: a set of blocked processes each holding a resource and waiting to acquire a resource held by another process
  • Example:
    • a system has 2 disk drives, P1 and P2 each hold one disk drive and each needs another one
    • semaphores A and B, initialized to 1

System Model

  • Resources: R1, R2, …, Rm
    • each represents a different resource type
      • e.g. share data structure, memory space, I/O devices
    • each resource type Ri has Wi instances
  • Each process utilizes a resource in the following pattern
    • request
    • use
    • release

Deadlock program example

  • Two mutex locks are created and initialized
    • Deadlock is possible if
      • Thread 1 requests first_mutex and thread 2 requests second_mutex
        • Thread 1 then waits for second_mutex and thread 2 waits for first_mutex
      • illustrated by a resource allocation graph

Why Do Deadlock Occur?

  • Reason 1:

    • In large code bases, complex dependencies arise between components
  • Reason 2:

    • Due to the nature of encapsulation
      • Hide details of implementations and make software easier to build in a modular way
      • Such modularity does not mesh will with locking

Necessary Conditions of Deadlock

  • Mutual exclusion: only one process at a time can use a resource
  • Hold and wait: a process holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire additional resources held by other processes
  • No resource preemption: a resource can be released only voluntarily by the porcess holding it, after it has completed its task
  • Circular wait: there exists a set of waiting processesp0,p1,...,pn
    • P0 is waiting for a resource that is held by P1
    • P1 is waiting for a resource that is held by P2
    • Pn-1 is waiting for a resource that is held by Pn
    • Pn is waiting for a resoucrce that is held by P0

Resource-Allocation Graph

  • Two types of nodes:

    P = P1,P2,...,Pn, the set of all the processes in the system
    R = R1,R2,...,Rn, the set of all resource types in the system

  • Two types of edges:

    request edge: directed dege Pi -> Rj
    assignment edge: directed edge Rj -> Pi

  • Example:
    • 1 instance of R1
    • 2 instances of R2
    • 1 instance of R3
    • 3 instances of R4
    • P1 holds an instance of R2 and is waiting for an instance of R1
    • P2 holds an instacne of R1, an instance of R2, and is waiting for an instance of R3
    • P3 is holds an instance of R3

  • Is there a deadlock?

    • No
    • But will be deadlock if P3 starts to wait for R2
  • Is there a deadlock?

    • circular wait does not necessaryly lead to deadlock


  • If graph contains no cycle -> no deadlock
  • If graph contains a cycle
    • if only one instance per resource type -> deadlock
    • If several instance per resource type -> possibility of deadlock

How to Handle Deadlocks

  • Ensure that the system will never enter a deadlock state

    • Prevention: ensures that at least one of the necessary condtions to cause a deadlock will never occur
    • Avoidance: ensures that the system will not enter an unsafe state
  • Allow the system to enter a deadlock deadlock state and then recover

    • Deadlock detection and recovery: detect the existence of deadlock and recovery to a safe state

Deadlock Prevention - Hold-and-wait

  • Provide a total ordering on lock acquisition
    • This approach requires careful design of global locking strategies
  • Example
    • There are two locks in the system (L1 and L2)
    • We can prevent deadlock by always acquiring L1 before L2

  • Process can request a resource only if not hold other resources

    • require process to request all its resources before it begins execution; allow process to request resources only when the process has non
  • low resource tilization

  • possible starvation

  • Acquire all locks at once, atomically

  • no thread switch can occur in the midst of lock acquisition

  • Problem:

    • Require us know exactly which locks to acquire in prior
    • Decrease concurrency

Deadlock Prevention - No Preemption

  • Multiple lock acquisition often gets us into trouble because when waiting for one lock we are hloding another
  • trylock()
    • Used to build a deadlock-free, ordering-robust lock acquistion protocol
    • Grab the lock (if it is available)
    • Or, return -1: you should try again later

  • Problem: livelock
    • Both sysytems are running through the code sequence over and over again
    • Progress is not being made

  • Solution:
    • Add a random delay before looping back and trying the entrie thing over again

Prevention - Mutual Exclusion

  • wait-free

    • Using powerful atomic hardware instruction.
    • You can build data structures in a manner that does not require explicit locking.
  • We now wanted to atomically increment a value by a certain amount:

    • Repeatedly tries to update the value to the new amount and uses the compare-and-swap to do so
    • No lock is acquired
    • No deadlock can arise

Deadlock Aboidance

  • Dead voidance: require extra information about how resources are to be requested

    • Each process declares a max number of resources it may need
  • Deadlock-avoidance algorithm ensure there can never be a circular-wait condtion

  • Resource-allocation state:

    • the number of available and allocated resources
    • the maximum demands of the processes

Safe State

  • When a process requests an available resource, system must decide if immediate allocation leaves the system in a safe state

    • there exists a sequence <P1, P2,..., Pn> of all processes in the system
    • for each Pi, resources that Pi may still request can be satisfied by currently available resources + resources held by all the Pj, with j < i
  • Safe state can guarantee no deadlock

    • if Pi’s resource needs are not immediately available:
      • wait until all Pj have finished(j< i)
        • when all Pj (j < i ) has finished, Pi can obtain needed resources
  • System in safe state –> no deadlocks

  • SYstem in unsafe state –> possibility of deadlock

  • Deadlock avoidance: ensure a system never enters an unsafe state

  • Deadlock Avoidance Algorithms

    • Single instance of a resource type: resource-allocation graph
    • Multiple instances of a resource type: banker’s algorithm

Resource-Allocation Graph

  • Two tpyes of nodes:

    • P = {P1, P2, ..., Pn}, the set of all the processes in the system
    • R = {R1, R2, ..., Rm}, the set of all the resource types in the system
  • Two types of edges:

    • request edge: directed dege Pi -> Rj
    • assignment dege: directed edge Rj -> Pi
    • claim edge: directed dege Pi -> Rj
      • process Pi may request resource Rj
      • dash line

Single-instance Deadlock Avoidance

  • Using reource- allocation graph

  • Transitions in between deges

    • claim dge -> request edge when a process requests resource
    • request dege -> assignment edge when resource allocated to process
    • assignment dege -> claim dege when resource released by process
  • THe request can be granted only if converting a request edge to an assignemnt dege does not result in a cycle

    • no cycle -> safe state

Banker’s Algorithm

  • For multiplep-instance resource deadlock avoidance

  • Assumptions:

    • each process must a priori claim maximum use of each resource type
    • when a process requests a resource, it may have to wait
    • when a process gets all its resources it must release them in a finite amount of time

Banker’s Algorithm: State Data Structure

  • n processes, m type of resources
    • available: an array of length m, instance if avaiabel resource
      • available[j] = k: k instances of resource type Rj available
    • max: a n $\times$ m matrix
      • max[i,j] = k: process Pi may request at most k instances of resource Rj
    • allocation: n × m matrix
      • allocation[i,j] = k: Pi is currently allocated k instances of R
    • need: n × m matrix
      • need[i,j] = k: Pi may need k more instances of Rj to complete its task
      • need[i,j] = max[i,j] –allocation [i,j]

Banker’s Algorithm: Safe State

  • Data structure to compute wether the system is in a safe state
    • use work[j] to track allocatable resources of type Rj
      • unallocated + released by finished processes
    • use finish[i] to track whether process Pi is finished
    • initialize: work[j]=available[j] for all j, finish[i] = false for all i
  • Algorithm:
    1. find an i satisfying finish[i] = false && need[i,j] < work[j]; if ont exist, go to step3
    2. with the above found i do work[j] = work[j] + allocation[i,j] for all j, finish[i] = true, go to step 1
    3. if finish[i] == true, then the system is in a safe state

Banker’s Algorithm: Resource Allocation

  • Data structure: request for each process Pi and resource type Rj

    • request[i,j] = k -> porcess Pi wants k instances of resource type Rj
  • Algorithm(assuming allocating resource for Pi)

    1. if $\forall$ j: request[i,j] <= need[i,j], go to 2; otherwise, raise error (exceed maximum claim)
    2. if $\forall$ j: request[i,j] < available[j] go to 3; otherwise Pi must wait
    3. pretend to allocated requested resources to Pi by modifying the states
    • available[j] = available[j] - request[i,j] for all j
    • allocation[i,j] = allocation[i,j] - request[i,j] for all j
    • need[i,j] = need[i,j] - request[i,j] for all j
    1. use previous algorithm to tst if ti is a safe state
    • if yes -> allocate the resources to Pi
    • if no -> Pi must wait, and the old resource-allocation state is restored

Banker’s Algorithm: Example

  • System state:

    • 5 processes P0 through P4
    • 3 resource types: A (10 instances), B (5 instances) and C (7 instances)
  • Snapshot at time T0:

  • Why < P1, P3, P4, P2, P0> is in safe state?

  1. needed[1] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [5 3 2], finish[1] = true
  2. needed[3] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [7 4 3], finish[3] = true
  3. needed[4] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [7 4 5], finish[4] = true
  4. needed[2] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [10 4 7], finish[2] = true
  5. needed[0] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [10 5 7], finish[0] = true
  • P1 requests 1 0 2, still in safe state?
  1. needed[1] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [5 3 2], finish[1] = true
  2. needed[3] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [7 4 3], finish[3] = true
  3. needed[4] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [7 4 5], finish[4] = true
  4. needed[2] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [10 4 7], finish[2] = true
  5. needed[0] <= work –> work = work + allocation = [10 5 7], finish[0] = true
  • P0 requests 0 2 0, still in safe state?

  • We cannot find a process that the need[i] < work[i]

Deadlock Avoidance via Scheduling

  • In some scenarios deadlock avoidance is preferable.

    • Global knowledge is required:
      • Which locks various threads might grab during their execution.
      • Subsequently schedules said threads in a way as to guarantee no deadlock can occur
  • We have two processors and four threads.

    • Lock acquisition demands of the threads:
    • A smart scheduler could compute that as long as T1 and T2 are not run at the same time, no deadlock could ever arise.
  • More contention for the same resources

  • A possible schedule that guarantees that no deadlock could ever occur.

    • The total time to complete the jobs is lengthened considerably.

Deadlock Detection

  • System may enter deadlock state, but detect and recover from it
  • Detection algorithm and recovery scheme

Deadlock Detection: Single Instance Resources

  • Wait-for graph: nodes are processes
  • Pi➞Pj if Pi is waiting for Pj
  • Periodically searches for a cycle in the graph
    • if there is a cycle, there exists a deadlock
    • detecting cycles in a graph requires O(n2) operations
      • n is the number of nodes in the graph

Deadlock Detection: Multi-instance Resources

  • Similar to Banker’s algorithm’s safety condition

    • to prove it is impossible to enter a safe state
      • Banker’s algorithm is to prove it is impossible to enter an unsafe state
  • Data structures
    – available: an array of length m, instances of available resource
    – allocation: n × m matrix, the current resource allocated to each process
    – request: n x m matrix, the current resource request of each process.
    – work: an array of length m, the allocatable instances of resources
    – finish: a vector of n, whether the process has been “finished”

    • if allocation[i] ≠0 -> finish[i] = false; otherwise, finish[i] = true
  • initialize: work[j] = available[j] $\forall$j, finish[i]=false for all i

    1. find process i so that finish[i] = false && request[i,j]<= work[j]; if no such i exists, go to 3
    2. with the above found i do work[j] = work[j] + allocation[i,j] for all j, finish[i] = true, go to step 1
    3. If finish[i] == false the Pi is deadlocked
  • Key difference from Banker’s algorithm: using request[i,j] instead of need[i,j]

    • Detecting whether currently is deadlocked, rather than predicting the future


  • five processes P0 through P4

  • three resource types: A (7 instances), B (2 instances), and C (6 instances)

  • P2 requests an additional instance of type C

Deadlock Recovery

  • Option 1: terminate deadlocked processes
    –abort all deadlocked processes
    –abort one process at a time until the deadlock cycle is eliminated
    • In which order should we choose to abort?
  • Option 2: resource preemption
    –Select a victim; rollback