

  • Virtual memory: separating logical from physical memory
    • Separate the processes from each other and from the OS
    • Logical address space much larger than physical address space
    • Only part of the program needs to be in memory for execution
  • Virtual memory can be implemented via
    • Paging
    • Segmentation

Demand Paging

  • Demand paging: a paging system with swapping
    – To execute a program on storage (disk), swap it into memory
    – Instead of swapping in entire program into physical memory, only swaps those pages next to the currently executing instruction

  • A Page Table is used to keep track of pages that are in physical memory (Valid 1) or on disk (Invalid 0)
    – If the page is not currently in physical memory, then the address in back storage is also stored in Page Table

  • If the program tried to use a page not in memory, a Page Fault trap will occur (caused by the invalid bit in Page Table)

  • Demand paging brings a page into memory only when needed
    – Less I/O needed
    – Less memory needed
    – Faster response
    – More users supported

  • A page is needed -> reference to it
    – invalid reference -> abort
    – not-in-memory -> bring to memory

Valid-Invalid Bit

  • A valid–invalid bit is associated with each page table entry
    – v(1) -> in-memory
    – i(0) -> not-in-memory
  • Initially set to 0 on all entries
  • During address translation
    – valid–invalid bit is 0 -> page fault

Page Fault

  • First reference to a page will trap to OS -> page fault
  • Get free frame on memory
  • Bring page into frame.
  • Reset tables, validation bit = 1
  • Restart instruction

Page Replacement

  • What happens if there is no free frame?
    – swapping

  • Page replacement: find some page in memory, but not really in use, swap it out

  • Replacement algorithm
    – Performance: want an algorithm resulting in minimum number of page faults

  • Find the location of the desired page on disk

  • Find a free frame:
    – If there is a free frame, use it
    – If there is no free frame, use a page replacement algorithm to select a victim frame

  • Read the desired page into the (newly) free frame

  • Update the page table

  • Restart the process


  • Page Fault Rate 0 <= p <= 1
    – if p = 0 no page faults
    – if p = 1, every reference is a fault
  • Effective Access Time (EAT)
    EAT = (1 – p) x memory_access_time + p x page_fault_service_time
  • Example
    – Assume: Memory access time = 200 nanoseconds, Page fault rate = p, page fault service time = 8 milliseconds
    – EAT = (1 – p) x (200) + p (8 milliseconds) = 200 + 7,999,800 x p
  • EAT ~ p

Page Faults vs The Number of Frames

  • In general, larger number of frames -> fewer page faults

Optimal Algorithm

  • Replace page that will be unused for longest period of time in the future

  • Example:

    • Reference sequence:
  • Not a realistic algorithm in practice

    • Hard to know which one will be unused for longest time
  • For measuring how well a realistic algorithm performs

FIFO Algorithm

  • FIFO (First-In-First-Out): replaces earliest loaded page

  • Example:

  • In general, more frames -> fewer page faults

  • Belady’s Anomaly: sometimes, more frames may lead to more page faults

LRU Algorithm

  • LRU (Least Recently Used): replaces pages that have not been used for the longest time
    – Generally good algorithm and frequently used
    – Do not suffer Belady’s anomaly

  • Example:

  • Counter-based implementation
    – every page table entry has a counter
    – every time page is referenced, copy the clock into the counter
    – search for page with smallest counter to replace

  • Stack-based implementation
    – keep a stack of page numbers (in double linked list)
    – when a page is referenced, move it to the top of the stack
    – update is more expensive, but no need to search for replacement

  • Stack-based implementation example

Counting-Based Algorithm

  • Keep the number of references made to each page
  • LFU (Least Frequently Used) replaces page with smallest counter
    – Problem: what if a page is heavily used during process initialization and then never used?
  • MFU (Most Frequently Used) replaces page with largest counter
    – based on the argument that page with the smallest count was probably just brought in and has yet to be used

LRU Approximation

  • Counter-based and stack-based LRU have high overhead
  • LRU approximation with a reference bit (bit-LRU)
    – associate with each page a reference bit, initially set to 0
    – when page is referenced, set the bit to 1
    – replace some page with reference bit = 0 (if one exists), and set bit=1
    – when there is only one bit=0, do a global flip

Second-Chance(Clock) Replacement Algorithm

  • Another approximation of LRU
  • Each page has a reference bit, initially 0
    – When a page is referenced, the bit is set to be 1
    – To replace a page, check the reference bit
  • If currently is 0, then it can be replaced
  • If currently is 1, then it is changed to be 0
  • All pages are linked as a circle
  • Visit all pages in the circular order


Allocation of Frames

  • How many frames should be allocated to each process

  • Allocation schemes

    • Equal allocation
    • Propositional allocation
    • Priority akkication
  • Equal allocation

    • For example, if there are 100 frames (after allocating frames for the OS) and 5 processes, give each process 20 frames
    • Issue: But jobs use memory uneually
  • Proportional allocation

    • Allocate accroding to process size
    • How do you determine process size?
  • Priority allocation

    • give high priority process more memory than low priority process

Replacement Scopes

Local replacement

  • Each process selects from only its own its own set of allocated frames
  • Process slowed down even if other less used pages of memory are avaiable

Global repalcement

  • Process selects replacement frame from set of all frames
  • One process can take a frame from another
  • Process may not be able to control its page fault rate


  • Thrashing: a process is busy swapping pages in and out, i.e. spending a lot of time in paging rather than executing

  • If a process does not have “enough” pages, page-fault rate is high

    • For example
      • Process has 3 frames allocated to it(sue LRU)
      • Reference sequence is 123412341234
      • ALl cause page faulsts
  • Higher mutiprogramming degree may lead to lower CPU utilization due to thrashing

Working set

  • How much memory needed to keep the most recent computation in memory with few page faults

    • The principle of locality
      • A program clusters its access to data and text temporally
      • A recently accessed page is more like ly to be accessed again
    • Need to know the set of pages process to avoid thrashing
      • Requires knowing the future
    • Working set: Pages referenced in certain amount of time in the past
      • Approximates locality
  • Working-set window △, which can be

    • A certain time intervalm or
    • Fixed number of page references
      • Example: 10,000 page references
  • Working set of a process Pi = page referenced in most recent △

  • Working set size

  • Typical programs have phasess


  • Prepage all or some of the pages that a process will need,before they are referenced
  • To reduce large number of page faults at process startup
  • If prepaged pages are unused, I/O and memory was wasted
  • Assume s pages are prepaged and α of the pages is used
    – Cost of s * α save pages faults larger or smaller than the cost of prepaging
    – s * (1- α) unnecessary pages?
    – Smaller α -> more prepaging loses