CS3103-Lecture-3發表於2023-02-02更新於2023-02-09 Threads Thread is an execution unit that is part of a process A process cna have multiple threads, which can execute at the same time閱讀全文
CS3103-Lecture-2發表於2023-02-02更新於2023-02-06 進程(Process) 進程和線程(Process and Thread) 進程 一個執行的程序(a program in execution)閱讀全文
CS3481-Lecture-3發表於2023-01-30更新於2023-02-26 Decision Tree Classification Basic Concept Classification is the task of assigning objects to one of several predefined categories閱讀全文
CS3481-Lectrue-2發表於2023-01-16更新於2023-03-14 Data A data set can often be viewed as a collection of data objects閱讀全文
CS4486-Lecture-1發表於2023-01-13更新於2023-02-09 Introduction What can AI do? What is AI? What is an intelligent agent? What is this course? 閱讀全文
Database Systems Lecture 1發表於2023-01-11更新於2023-02-02 前言 首先,先祝各位新年快樂。由於舊的電腦壞掉了,之前的文章都無了,加上新學期開了,打算重新開個新坑,希望這次我能堅持久點hhh。閱讀全文